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Brother’s Pizzeria in Elm Park, Staten Island

29 Mar

One of the perks of teaching in Staten Island is the pizza, and Brother’s Pizzeria on Port Richmond Avenue is our favorite parlor in town. One of the reasons why is its old-school charm. Another is the ability to get positively pie-happy by mixing and matching slices as diverse as a gooey, thick Sicilian with a thin and crispy Grandma. If that isn’t reason enough to eschew the no-slices offering at nearby Denino’s (a legend in its own right), there’s also the tattooed, back-slapping brothers behind the counter who might even tell you a joke while your pizza bakes in the oven.

Brother's is known for its pillowy Sicilian squares, and for good reason.

Brother’s is known for its pillowy Sicilian squares, and for good reason.

We suggest ordering spinach with your slice of white. Dollops of ricotta and a healthy sprinkling of garlic round out this excellent pizza.

We suggest ordering spinach with your slice of white. Dollops of ricotta and a healthy sprinkling of garlic round out this excellent pizza.

We've previously featured Brother's pink vodka slice on The Best Thing I Ate Last Week, but the glorious Grandma, pictured here, is no slouch: thin and crispy, with a smattering of fresh basil.

We’ve previously featured Brother’s pink vodka slice on The Best Thing I Ate Last Week, but the glorious Grandma, pictured here, is no slouch: thin and crispy, with a smattering of fresh basil.

If you're looking for cheese, look no further than the pan pie. This is the closest to deep-dish you can find without making the trip to Chicago.

If you’re looking for cheese, look no further than the pan pie. This is the closest to deep-dish you can find without making the trip to Chicago.

Thin but flexible enough to fold is the classic margherita, which is layered with fresh mozzarella and some more of that fresh basil.

Thin but flexible enough to fold is the classic margherita, which is layered with fresh mozzarella and some more of that fresh basil.

Brother's is old-school and so is its cheese pie. The sauce, which is slightly-sweet, is the real star here.

Brother’s is old-school and so is its cheese pie. The sauce, which is slightly-sweet, is the real star here.

Grade: Highly recommended, especially if you are with a group and want some variety. Nearby rival Denino’s only offers pizza by the pie.
Dish Tips: You can’t come here and not order a pink vodka slice, but stay for the others, particularly the Grandma and the Sicilian. If you’re hankering for the sandwich, the Chicken Parmigiana is out of this world.
Good For: A casual lunch or dinner. Brother’s is no-frills, but it is also cash-only. Bring those bills.